You guessed, it equals VINTRO!! So alot of post have been more about the classic vintage aspect of VINTRO
x, and alot of people like to use those words (vintage and retro) interchangeably, but vintage would be a much more classic style of dress, like the homemakers of 40's-60's ( Casablanca, I Love Lucy, OLD Hollywood, things that make you think of Grease) while retro is much more the hip hoppers of 70's-80's even early 90's (old soul train, Cosby Show, In Living Color, Living single, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Run DMC) but as Roni and I picked out clothes for one of our models to wear to a photo shoot, I had to remind myself of this fact! You see I am much more accustomed to and fond of the classic aspect, but as I sat at Mike's (the model) desk, looking at his bed littered in potential outfits I had to recall the other half of VINTRO, Retro, and once it came back to me, all sorts of options opened up! Acid wash jeans, faded jean jacket vests, vibrant wind breakers, snap back hats, even jerseys (mmm... maybe not quite yet) and as Roni and I picked the last few outfits for the photo shoot, I smiled to myself with excitement, and smiled hard, for the simple fact, for so long I completely ignored Vintage's "fraternal twin" Retro. By remembering and embracing it again I felt complete, and made a vow to never forget the grimmey, urban, vibrant, rule-breaking other half to Vintage. I'll end it like this, don't close yourself into a box, I always say that, and I still mess up on it, but if we learn from these mistakes there is no reason you and I can't be successful, inventive, different, and most of all you (and I)... the best we you and I can be!
Love You!!
-Victoria E Jones @lizabvintro
p.s Also remember everything is recycled through history to present to future, we tell the same stories, every movie you see, that story has been told before. Every song you have heard has been sung before. Every struggle that has been endured and overcome has been endured and overcome before. I say that to say, every trend we are about to see has been seen before, they are being recycled so don't be sad if one of your favorite articles of clothing has been deemed "out" because eventually, probably in the near future, it will make it's cycle and be right back "in!"
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