Remember when being a tranny was considered weird to some people!?!?! Its was frowned upon for a man to dress like a girl and for a woman to be "butch." Now all you hear is pretty boy this and pretty boy that.... and shoulder pads are making a comeback for women who once preferred a slender "13 year-old girl" physique. It's a beautiful role reversal! Nothing excites my mind more then an optical illusion and that is exactly what I am being served up with today's
With fashion taking an interesting turn for the better, women have begun to not only embrace shoulder pads, but bow ties, suspenders, tailored pants, loose fitting jeans, "grandpa cardigans", fedoras, blazers as well. For some reason there are women who are turning their noses up to this wave of masculinity in ladies clothing, but it is not be feared... How long have We fought to be considered equals? Well the time and opportunity is here and now women!!! Lets lift our glasses and toast to finally getting to wear the pants... fashionably, confidently, and sexier then any man could ever wish to. You go
girl, no excuse me, work it
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Your turn men, let's go ahead and talk about this "pretty boy" epidemic. Now I fully intend to uplift you all in this post BUT i need to address one con that has come along with this epidemic..
Polo. Now in doses my dear friend Ralph Lauren is more then acceptable, but when you have him on head to toe, that is TOO MUCH. By all means if you truly want to be a walking advertisement for Mr. Lauren then disregard my last comment, it is your life and regardless of what i have to say you will live it the way you want to, and that is fine...... I guess. But with the disclaimer out of the way I will take the time to say men, if you want to wear tight pants, shorts that are a bit shorter then the norm, low cut v-necks, lots of jewelry, then you better work it!!! Who cares what your basic friends have to say? Aren't those the same friends who are wearing Girbaud jeans and tall tees? Yea I thought so. So fellas if it tickles your fancy to wear things that may be considered feminine to some then do it!!! As a woman I am telling you, there is NOTHING wrong with a man who is fashionably conscious!! I actually get a little "excited" when I see a man who can dress and takes initiative in his appearance, and I am sick of guys who can't dress calling it "gay" get a life and some style then come back and judge!!
Well that is it for this post guys!! In case anyone is still confused as to how to achieve these styles
VINTROx will be hitting you guys with the dos ant donts of today's tranny so keep a look out
I Love You ALL with my entire spirit!!! And don't let anyone knock you're style, even me... If you really feel girbauds is what you need in your life then ..... do it..... I guess, I still love you
-vicTORIa eLIZABeth jones @lizabvintro
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