Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lauren J on the track!!!!!!!!

An MTSU (middle tennessee state university)  "one to look out for" would definitely be Lauren J!! Due to the fact that I have been around she and her manager Miss Ronnie V constantly over the past few weeks (because VINTRO is styling her upcoming event!!) I have gotten to see the huge strides they have made recently, and I have gained a new boost of motivation just from watching them!! Both of these women are about their business!! They approach this male dominated music world with a fierce determination that is enough to send even the most chauvinistic man cowering into a corner with a little pee dripping down his leg. (hahaha too much???)  No but seriously this artist, her manager, and the lighthouse team truly are doing their thing! They are making big moves and if you are any where near Murfreesboro; no better yet any wear near Tennessee on September the 14th (random thought ronivintro's birthday!)between 11-2 then it would be a DISASTER if you decided, for whatever reason short of a funeral or a medical emergency, not to attend Lauren J's big event in the KUC on MTSU campus!!

A large part of VINTRO is promoting people's creativity so seeing Lauren J use MTSU as a launching pad for singing career definitely inspired this post! MTSU watch out for the betty movement!! No excuse me, WORLD watch out for the betty movement!! Lighthouse is doing HUMUNGOUSLY GINOURMUS THINGS 

***We are proud of you guys... SOOO continue to make us proud :)***
"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
-vicTORIa eLIZABeth jones
follow me @lizabvintro

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