Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DreamRunners Media

So I recently went to Dreamrunners' bachelor pad to get help on a commercial for class, and upon entering, I was reminded of every time I have ever entered that apartment. Every single time I have ever been over there the majority of the people living there have been hard at work!! Every time I go it's either promo video this or music video that. Not trying to sound like a creeper or anything but I am so proud of these guys! A lot of VintroX's most recent accomplishments are due in large part to them. Seeing their substantial growth in the short time we have known them has encouraged us to do things we would have never thought possible.

Through out the summer and the beginning of the school year when we were getting everything together for Lauren J and her Betties, we constantly talked about a couple of groups on campus that were doing big things and almost every time these conversations were had, Dreamrunners was brought up at least once. Now I am not trying to brown nose these guys BUT Vintro's motto is promoting creativity, and we have to give credit where it is due and these guys deserve it!! Dreamrunners Media has done everything from DJ Drama videos, to promos for Big Sean performance, they have filmed music videos for some really hot artists, created flyers for most of the parties and events here, they have filmed and pictured pretty much all the hottest parties at MTSU and have stayed humble throughout it all. Keep doing what you're doing, we love you guys and hope nothing but the best for you all!!!
-Victoria Jones @lizabvintro

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