DO wear huge floral prints, whether it be a skirt, shirt, pant, or blazer... anyone who thinks big floral is only for granny is badly mistaken!!!! In a great dress like the one to the right who wouldn't feel beautiful and empowered??? Put it all over YOUR BODY!! Make sure you put on deodorant too, because you should want to smell as good as a flower.
DO NOT cover yourself in labels!!! head to toe labels all aver your body is tooo much! No one wants to pay to be an advertisement billboard so let those fake Louis Vuitton, Coach, and Gucci jackets, purses, iron shirts, and backpacks rest for awhile, give your Apple Bottom diamond bedazzled pants to your 13 year old niece, because its not cute, alot of the time these things actually come off appearing cheap and tasteless, and judging by the price tag the people paying these prices want to be neither of these things! so give it up and hit up a cool vintage or thrift shop, you'll be surprised at what you will find.

DO think outside of the box, matter of fact eliminate the box completely!! If you are a girl and you want to rock a bow tie and/or shoulder pads... go for it!!!! If passer-byers look at you crazy, who cares?? Besides its probably that same close minded individual rocking the apple bottom and a fury bubble jacket (you thought i was getting ready to say boots with the fur didn't you?) and for guys if you wanna wear a bow tie to class with a cardigan or blazer and some crazy colored pants then go for it!! Once again the only ones who will be laughing will be those wearing the luggz and 4xl tall tees!!!
DO NOT limit yourself to that tiny simple box and think you have to wear highlighter plastic jewelry with graphic t shirts, that say something along the lines of "i love my boyfriend" or "i stole your boyfriend" or "i stole your girlfriend" or a gangster dough boy or monopoly man that says "i get money"... I doubt you do or else you wouldn't have on that dusty 5 year old air brushed tee and those crusty ashy black pants... we have got to do better!
DO round your nails or keep the relatively short with colors in time for the season!! a great nail color and shape is complimentary to and outfit!!.. (pale green is really in right now)
DO NOT go super long and ghetto/trashy with crazy designs and nails so long they curl at the end.... my only question is why would anyone, at any time in their life need ten 8 inch acrylic fingernails for ANYTHING????
DO get a fantastic short, whether it be a high wasted rolled short with cool pleats or shorts with a great FLORAL print or a slim fitting tailored short or a great jumper, in most cases i am a fan of shorts, especially if they make a statement... well a good statement!!!!!
DO NOT do a short that makes you look sloppy, most cargo shorts, not all but most are a don't in my book, don't do a short that is not at the appropriate length, I very rarely think things are too short but it is a possibility, and sometimes those walker shorts that kind of tailor in toward the middle of your thigh can be very unforgiving and actually take away from your fit, and always ALWAYS be careful with shorts that are making the awkward transition into weird capris!
DO get an awesome bag to carry your things in!! Try a messenger bag (guys and girls) something cool to throw over your shoulder before heading to class could always add a little umph to any outfit. Also cool things to try are the vintage inspired leather back pack I always feel a bit more collegiate when I put on my back pack! SOME and I do mean some (because if not done correctly it can become an EPIC FAIL) fanny packs, now my VINTRO teammate Roni owns a fanny pack and that would be considered a job well done, BUT the man in the local supermarket with his northface multi zippered fanny pack, well that is a disaster.

DO NOT unless you are under the age of 10 wear a cartoon character back pack!!!! For whatever reason that got super duper popular in high school and people are still doing it, WHY? WHY? Why are you 20 years old with a Dora Explorer back pack!!! My little niece wanted one soo bad but they were all out, I guess it is because your grown a** thought it would be a good idea to buy the last one you CREEPER!! As i said earlier please don't be that guy in Kroger with a huge camping trip fanny pack
DODODODODO fall in love with VINTRO and NOT because im telling you to but because its the right thing to do, DO NOT do it because it is the cool thing to do but do it because you know in your heart and soul that since we have entered your life it hasn't been the same, and it never will be again! and DO be you, be the best you you can be and with that and your love for VINTRO there is ABSOLUTELY no way you can go wrong! I love you all, there is plenty of room in this heart... take your shoes and come on in!!!
-vicTORIa eLIZABeth jones
follow me @lizabvintro
p.s this inst it there are more dos and don'ts to come!!!!
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